In this context of rapid and discontinuous changes and the uncertainty they create, the strategy of “business as we have always done it” has no future. By using a foresight approach, an organization can move towards a preferred future that will ensure the relevance necessary for its growth, profitability and sustainability.
A Future Made In Quebec
An initiative, an invitation, an imperative, a challenge, an achievement, a legacy.
Initiative’s objective
The objective of this initiative is to inform, train and mobilize Quebec’s organizations to engage in foresight. It also aims to invite organizations already practicing it to share their successes and challenges.
Why prospective ?
The practice of foresight produces great benefits for an organization, such as:
Getting out of the limited short-term perspective to reduce uncertainty and ensure continuity, resilience and growth.
Exploring trends, signals and drivers of change & disruptions. Identifying the risks & opportunities of the future.
Building scenarios and analyzing their impacts to enrich today’s strategy, decisions and actions.
Change, innovate, create new opportunities and models, advances and a competitive advantages.
Foresight for performance
A study by Rohrbeck and Kum on the impact of foresight on an organizations’ performance concludes that:
“Future-prepared” firms, defined as those with a corporate foresight practice, posted 33 percent higher profitability than the average company and 200 percent higher growth.
The future present
The future present illustrates that our decisions and actions in the present influence our future and that conversely the future we choose influences or participates in our decisions and actions in the present.
[ Space left for a future made in Québec ]